Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I need to book an appointment?

A. Most general x-ray exams do not require an appointment and can be done on a walk-in basis. You may want to contact us first if the examination is something complex like a skeletal survey.

Q. Do I need a requisition for all types of exams?

A. Yes, you will need a requisition from your doctor or nurse practitioner for all examinations.

Q. How should I prepare for the exam?

A. If you have time to prepare before the exam, we ask that you shower, refrain from wearing scented products (due to patients and employees with allergies) and wear clothing that is easily removed if necessary. T-shirts with no heavy appliqué and elastic waist pants or shorts are ideal and in many cases these can be x-rayed through. You may be asked to remove items that may interfere with the exam such as earrings, necklaces, glasses, dentures (upper spine), belly button rings (lower spine), nylons, tensor bandages, and splints (unless otherwise advised by your doctor). It is recommended that you leave valuables at home as the clinics do not have a secure location to store these items.

Q. Should I have an x-ray if I am pregnant or think I may be pregnant?

A. You should not have an x-ray during the first trimester of your pregnancy. If your doctor approves an x-ray during your pregnancy this will be indicated on your requisition by your doctor.

Q. My child needs an x-ray, may I come in the x-ray room with him/her?

A. To protect parents from exposure to radiation it is best if the parent does not go into the exam room. If your child wants a parent present, or needs help remaining still for the x-ray, you will be given a lead apron so you can assist. If you are pregnant however you will not be allowed to enter the exam room and another adult would need to be available if your child needs assistance during the x-ray.

Q. Can I bring my child with me to my appointment?

A. We request that you do not bring children with you to your exam. To prevent exposure to radiation they cannot enter the x-ray rooms with you. Because our staff need to focus on other patients they are not able to supervise children in the waiting room. Please arrange to leave the children at home or to bring another adult to watch them in the waiting room.

Q. Can I bring family members with me?

A. For safety reasons we do not allow you to bring anyone in the room during your exam. Exceptions may be made for a patient with physical or cognitive challenges that requires assistance, or in some cases, where an interpreter is required.

Q. How long will my exam take?

A. General x-rays can range from 10 minutes in length (finger) to 45 minutes (complete spine or skeletal survey).

What can I expect to happen?

A. Check in with the receptionist and present your health care card and requisition. The receptionist may ask you some questions in order to complete and update your patient file. Please wait in the waiting room until the technologist calls you by name. Follow the technologist to the change room area where you will be asked to remove any clothing or jewellery that may interfere with the part of the body being examined. A gown will be provided if required. The technologist will call you to bring you into the examination room. The technologist will then carefully position you to allow for the best diagnostic image to be taken. You will need to stay very still for a short time, and for some x-rays you may be asked to hold your breath for a short amount of time. The technologist's aim is to ensure that you are comfortable during this process. Please let them know if you are experiencing any pain. When all the images are taken you will return to your changing room where you can dress and go. Your doctor will receive the results usually by the end of the day, sooner in urgent cases. Please contact your doctor if you are waiting for results or have any questions.

Q. Will the technologist tell me what they saw in my exam?

A. Our technologists are registered and are specially trained to perform your exam, but only radiologists are qualified to interpret your results. For this reason our technologists cannot discuss what they see with you.

Q. Can I see my images?

A. You have the option to purchase a CD of your images. Please ask the receptionist about the fee and processing time for this service.

Q. When will my doctor get the report?

A. Your results are reviewed first by the radiologist and the report is usually faxed to your doctor by the end of the day. Urgent results will be phoned or faxed to your doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor also has the option to view your results online.

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